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The San Diego Local Order of Bloggers is The San Diego Tea Party Consolidated List of Bloggers working to preserve American ideals. [...]

Web Directory

About Us

The San Diego Local Order of Bloggers is assembled to investigate, inform and enable readers on issues of fiscal responsibility, government impact on our lives, advance American principles and promote constitutional rights from a varied base of San Diego Tea Party thinkers!

Temple of Mut

A fiery Catholic, Tea Party Democrat with a passion for Egyptology and Belly Dancing. She writes under the name Mutnodjmet (the last queen of Egypt's 18th dynasty) on many conservative websites.

Follow @Mutnodjmet on Twitter

Blogger In Chief

Dawn holds many politician's feet to the fire and publishes, "A Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition Blog."

Follow @dawnwildman on Twitter

Lipstick Underground

Sarah is standing up for Conservative principles, one strong woman at a time.

Follow @lipstkundrgrnd on Twitter

Doo Doo Econ

Doo Doo Economics

Charles is an entreprenuer, technologist, inventor and seeker of the truth. Raw curiosity about the nature of the universe is balanced with passion for individual freedom.
Follow @DooDooEcon on Twitter

Dueling Barstools

Brains, Heart, and Balls, for Individual Freedom.

Follow @divinryan on Twitter

Shane Atwell

Objectivist and fan of Ayn Rand since high school. Her philosophy of reason, capitalism and rational self-interest is as important to me now as it was then. Graduated with a degree in philosophy but switched to science when I fell in love with protein structures. I now work as a protein engineer.

Follow @ShaneAtwell on Twitter

Beers with Demo

Dean is the publisher of "A blog for the unwashed and well-read."

Follow @deanriehm on Twitter

Left Coast Rebel

Conservative, libertarian-leaning, constitutional, limited-government perspectives on news, politics, and current events.

Follow @Leftcoastrebel on Twitter

The Liberator Today

B-Daddy is the "Unofficial Chief Ideologist of the San Diego Tea Party Movement - Government growth threatens our liberty and our prosperity."

Follow @BDaddyLiberator on Twitter


A radical libertarian Jeffersonian vegan militant bicyclist populist capitalist pig in San Diego navigating GD II.

Follow @WCVarones on Twitter

The Scratching Post

A cat and a hamster uncovering ideas and delights in the world God gave us

Follow @ktcat on Twitter

Word Warrior of So Cal

An editor for two large political forums, a former Green Beret from Temecula and an all around good guy and friend to the Tea Party movement.

Silvio Canto, Jr.

My View by Silvio Canto, Jr.

Author of Cubanos in Wisconsin, host of Canto Talk  and blogger. Silvio discusses current events from US politics to US-Latin America issue, sports, music and much more! 

Follow @SCantojr on Twitter